for Business
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Gregory L Bodenhamer Foundation of Nollijy America Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
PeopleNology by Gregory Bodenhamer
During the nineteenth century, ideas and institutions which once had appeared so solid and real...are not so real today. People, places and things have all changed very quickly and there’s a lot of confusion within the workplace and the homes in America.
PeopleNology understands the powerful forces that changes your business and what makes your employees think and feel certain ways, at certain times. The Human Beings running around the world really have not changed that much and its time you learned the truth.
Powerful companies in America and a few around the world understand the extreme psychology and evolutionary madness of every human being. You can now explore the absolute knowledge you need to grow and prosper your business through the absolute power of the human mind.
The companies that understand their people will also understand their customers and future markets. You’ll be able to attract stronger and smarter people and grow your business profits, building better products and services starts with people.
In the twentieth century, mechanization has given form to much of man experiences and the planet went wild for mechanical things, steam engines, gears and screws, factories and tall buildings. What the twentieth century never counted on was the thousands of evolutionary drivers or evolutionary triggers that control every human being walking on earth today.
PeopleNology of America’s founder Gregory Lynn Bodenhamer has allocated over 25 years to research and study the history of mankind. His intellectual property has been made available to private industry for profits. Greg Bodenhamer’s PeopleNology brings about people knowledge that you have never experienced. This life’s work by our founder brings many surprises to even the experts. PeopleNology for Business, understanding the farmer in the city that you call an employee changes everything you think and feel. The things you thought you understood will become clear for the first time. Employees become people again and productivity moves up and slogans are taken down. Control charts point to greater profits and recruiting costs move down. Product quality improves and innovations of new designs and ideas are brought to the table. PeopleNology for Business is about people, its about you, its about all of us.
You might think you know what your biggest issues are inside your business today but it’s a lot bigger than you think, but you know for sure that some employees don’t seem to understand. Quality problems seem to never go away, employee turnover never seems to stop, productivity moves us and down like a roller coaster. What are the real issues?
PeopleNology teaches your that our subconscious mind processes positive and negative memories you're not even aware of as it just happens without us knowing it. Yet experts think that this information holds the key to understanding, relationships, problems, answers, new product ideas, grand new services where you might have issues today building your business.
PeopleNology will give you the means and the way to bring about conscious thinking within your business with all your people. The 75 Secrets of The Mind, a PeopleNology publication opens the door to all your people. Why they come and go? Why they tend to be lazy? What makes them get up and go? What makes them a success first?
One thing for sure, guaranteed, you are suppressing all your results. You and how your people may manage the employee group is harmful to the group. What you think about is what you’ll become and what they think about is what your company will become. You’re going to change things by changing what they think about.
Your people are preoccupied, let there be no doubt. They’re preoccupied with things in their life that has nothing to do with you except its very harmful to your organizational results.
Find out which area of your life your subconscious is preoccupied with and you’ll most likely find out some of the things they think about at your working business.
Our arts hold up a mirror to our values and all you have to do is look back through history and see where we all started. We’re not that far removed from the cave and how we think has really never left the cave. We are from the land and seemingly trapped in the contraptions of business and most people you call employees resent this fact within their subconscious.
Growing your business is first about understanding your people. The most powerful companies in the world are based on people first, products second. PeopleNology through the Greg Bodenhamer Foundation of Nollijy lets the brightest of your company grow and prosper with your enterprise.
The evolutionary drivers and triggers, found in every human being will be explored so you’ll understand how your people really think and what they think about on a subconscious level. You’ll be amazed what people think about when you’re confident their thinking about working related topics, tasks, objectives and goals you have all over the conference room.
The machine has replaced the human being and his natural world as the motif and
theme of much of our day to day living. Don’t drive your automobile, unplug your refrigerator, turn off your computer, disconnect the satellite dish and go sit under a tree to discover the mechanics and engineering of the modern world. Man was not made for the machine even though man has surrounded himself/herself with every machine idea that can be converted from an idea into something helpful.
PeopleNology will give you the people power back to your business. Your employees are worried about quality but they worry more about their children’s SAT test scores. They worry about report cards and bank balances, light bills, car payments, lovers and new shoes. They think of safety, clothing and shelter, sex, food and romance while at the same time you want to constantly grade them on productions, performance, sales revenue, percentage of growth, profit margins, new customers, lost customers and your success.
Technology is in your hands. Your success will not be based on technology now or in the future even though its going to help you a great deal. You success will be found in helping people helping other people. Do you want to be ranked in the same old ways, profit margins, revenue growth, market share? Do you want to build the best products or services in the world? The market constantly grades your people performance and you have to measure up to the market. The intelligence found within the right group of people will change your company forever. PeopleNology will grow your business, encourage and reward smart people and over time create a new culture of people success.
The Not-So-Smart companies will fall behind and lose their market share. Their employees will dream about failure and pink slips while at the same time you break open the power of people. Success is solving problems, which is the whole point of our civilization and your company can lead the way. The doorstep to the future is PeopleNology and all the power it holds concerning the 75 Secrets inside every person walking around. PeopleNology is Power.
You have committed your company to the machine. How many computer do you own? How many trucks and company cars? How many telephones, forklifts, power tools, chairs, tables, pens and paperclips does it take to build a business? You have committed your company to things and not people. Machines do not build a business only people can. People demand more and more machines but who will build them, sustain them, change them, design and engineer the new ones. Modern man demands the machine, so be it. Get your people to build the new design, the faster rates, the higher quality and let people build the machines for all the other people wanting and needing more and more. In turn, machines and machine thinking people dominate our lives.
These machine thinking companies are leaving their people behind. You cannot leave your people behind in the future. They’re your customers, friends, associates, lovers, engineers and competitors. Stop the machine thinking and start on the people thinking to build better machines. The unique thing about your company is the people inside. The irrational thing about your company is the people inside your company. PeopeNology brings the unique, original, irrational thinking of these people into a rational and productive culture of your future.
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Free Knowledge - Around the World Copyrighted Intellectual Property 2006-2007-2008
Gregory L Bodenhamer Foundation of Nollijy America Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
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