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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Motor Freight Trucking Transportation Management PeopleNology Gregory Bodenhamer North America LTL TL OTR

Ingenuous You we’re able to hide in a crowd, using them to conceal what we’re afraid to ask and hiding our fears and our greatest success.

A Gentlemen’s Technique to Living
with your own Living Genius.

In practice, changing minds is an important part of most jobs and it’s always been the basics of my own profession. To make your company bigger and better you have to move forward and walk with other people.

You must reach your individual potential so you can improve the entire group of individuals that drive your company.

The give and take policy of your employees, friends and family will not do the task. Most people are taught by teachers that only know certain things to be true.

Your math teacher educated you about 2 + 2 = 4 and other arithmetic sums. If this equals that then this must be true. It’s the foundation or starting point for most of us.

We know our A B C’s because some other person said it was true and the way of the world. We understand that the apple will fall from the tree to the earth.

What many people fail to understand is the knowledge about people. People, just like me and you struggle daily with our knowledge. We strive to achieve some disciplined result and we wonder why we sometimes fail.

Others tell us when we win and when we sin. It must be unpleasant to lose the race as everybody bets on the winner? Your place in the future is being determined by other people with more knowledge.

Their experience drives your future. Their position of strength allows your weakness. The stronger and bigger they become the weaker and smaller you become.
How can you turn the tide? What would you do with unknown knowledge? How many people need to know what I know?

If you became strong would you help the weak? If you became bigger would you help the smaller people understand?

The ingenuous you as the ability to understand complex mathematics and competition within the marketplace. You can build organizations and profit from your results. The same ingenuous you needs more to do more. You know that some days not everything works. The perfect machine breaks down and the profit stops.

Great people leave your company and the ones that stay complain and protest. You’re missing the truth about people.

What would you do with the Harmony of your people? How big would your business become if you took all the people with you? What if you allowed the good people to be the good teacher of something new?

The generations of live and let live in friendships name has cost good companies their future. What you did yesterday won’t work today. Your friends move away, your love moves from side to side and new ideas and people confuse you.

I don’t have the cloak-and-dagger secrets of your future but I do have the truth. Imagine the certainty and reality of knowing what to know about knowing. See in your mind’s eye what you could do if all the people could see the truthfulness of your vision. Picture happy employees and delighted customers.

Learn how to appreciate the power of people by understanding them and helping them.
Who gives and who takes? Who’s the friend and who’s just friendly? We’ve been taught that it’s not nice to gloat over success. We’ve been taught the linear way to the finish line. We’ve been taught to start fast, run faster and make it to the winner circle.

What you must know is not taught at the Harvard School of Business. Your superior won’t tell you because they don’t know. The rich and powerful few of us know the truth about truth. Great company’s study people and then their products. They spend money on culture and instruction. They take the best of the best and they show them the Living Genius we all have inside.
If you’re smart enough to understand writing you can learn about your next great success and that of your company.

I’m going to give you authority of knowledge where most just hide the truth. You’re going to be a better person. You’re going to help hundreds or thousands of people not including thousands of customers.
You’ll be physically powerful with this new knowledge. Your employer will admire you and people will gather when you speak.

We’re going to embrace people and their minds to you can change what they think so they can become what they must become.

You’re going to create a enormous following of people from around the world. People that know you will wonder how you went to the top so quietly and quickly.

It’s your gladness as the reward. More money, the bigger home, the nicer new car, better friends and no more sorrow. The confusion will go away as a new type of success takes hold of your life.
You’ll understand why people do things. You’ll be the only one to get the message that I will grant you today.

Why do we run so fast? Who took the time to draw the finish line? Why are we so glad to see our hero’s fall? Learn about what everybody wants to know. Watch the trickery move out of the way as you use my proven methods of persuasion. You’ll love people again and hold close the brightest of the class. The intellectual results combine with the irresistible friendship and affection that’s never been allowed in the past.


You’ll be in a new place. The confidence and authority will cascade over the best and they will return the act of kindness.
This contest we must win takes people and we know so little about them. You must learn so much before its too late. Any business has about a 90 day future without great people, products, services and a proven plan of action. Your people, they have been taught to die for their country, to work two shifts without sleep, that an “A” on the test is the only way. It’s glorious to win but we’re not sure why. The gloom of failure surrounds our daily life and your employees. People watch as we move around the business, the field of battle. They look up for answers to their questions. They look up for hope and come back with their dreams.

You have a free born mind, the blank slate that allows you to create the future. We get glimpses of ourselves but you have no idea. Removing the distractions, framing your better ideas so people can help you operate your business. Help them become interested and believe in quality as there is no substitution. Others tell you what to think, how to feel, how to drive and even who to marry. You’ll be able to trust yourself in your new future, the most important thing.

I had such friends to show me the way to my own great success. Only a few must know as they’re just a few giants of men in the world. Who really knows the goal? How do you find the glow of friendship and partnership without fear of the unknown? Stop your own dependence on other people and gain knowledge of that Living Genius that we’re going to set free within your mind.

You desire the bad to go away and only the good in your life. You have motivation but it does no good. You read important papers and you take notes and try to learn what others will teach you. What if they won’t teach you that makes them their own success? What to do?

Do you have a degree of forgiveness to forgive yourself for not knowing? Can you muster the acknowledgement that smarter people have roamed the earth and some walk today? Can you understand that some people know things you don’t think about? It’s not about who you know it’s all about what you know and how you apply knowledge.

Can you capture the divine spark of knowledge when you see it? Can mankind and womankind grow past their burning past and education? Can you try and forget some of the things your parents said to do when this or that happens? Can you get the idea that teachers only teach what they know?

A Gentlemen’s Technique to Living with your own Living Genius is all about you.

It’s about your success first. It’s about your education first and then you move to bring about dramatic changes in other people.

I put my trust in you that you want to learn about the most important person on earth.
We’ll talk about many things that you already know but do not fully understand. You’ll gain serenity when you accept that people you don’t even know love you. When you understand that you heart and mind governs the affairs of everything around you.

You’ll understand that you are the matching of me and we don’t even know each other. We mostly feel the same way about the same things. We like soft candles and good food. We enjoy out-of-doors and our friends and family. When someone touches our hand we feel more than a simple touch of a chord.

We have been completed by design to protect our person and that of family. We tremble when we’re cold and we shiver when a warm hand touches ours.

We can take all this productive knowledge and learn how to reach people within their minds. We can make easier their work life and help them become better people.

The adventure of the intellect maps out and shows the way how and when people react in certain ways concerning certain things.

Our mother taught us that fire is hot but we spend thousands of dollars creating fires in our furnaces to warm our homes. We tell our children not to drive too fast but we speed our way to work daily. We’re honest when people watch and ourselves when we’re alone. We want things and need things that we’ll never talk about. We love people from a distance and disgusted by some in the same way. We give guidance and advice and then we stay on the wrong path concerning our life and deeds.

We can break up this patterns of right and wrong so you can really decide what you want. You can help yourself and then your friends and family.

You’ll gain liberty in life and love as you only gain liberty and love when you reach out and grab it. Discover the hidden purpose in your life by first understanding you, the most important person. The sleeping giant, the gentle and living genius remains the strange gift that very few of us understand. Enjoy your future with this new information.

A Gentlemen’s Technique to Living
with your own Living Genius.
Gregory Bodenhamer - Copyright 2005-2006-2007-2008
PEOPLENOLOGY for Motor Freight Transportation Management
Mechanicsburg Pa 17055 -

Our shelter and our shield, our friends, lovers and family will all grow better through understanding hard won knowledge.

You’re going to achieve good today and then the next day. We’re going to speak of holding hands in the mind. We’re going to learn about the positioning you hold with me and others close around you.
Positioning defined is the opinion you occupy in the minds of other people.

What do people think of you? It’s important and can make you very wealthy over time.
Just think of it. You administer what others think about you.

Your image or the perceptions of you have been created by you and others that know you. You have the absolute ability to control what people think. If you control what people think of you ( Your Positioning ) you can build the future you want and describe to others.

You control the few things that other people think about. Envision the power you have to affect the other person. Most people, almost 97% of people you know, stop learning about anything when the forced education is over.

Over 50 percent of our children do not finish high school. This makes the other 50% very powerful. When people exit school most people just stop learning. They carry with them instinctive thoughts and actions and rely on them daily to survive and prosper.

Whatever business you’re in today or the next you can master greater things because you’ll know what others think about certain things.
If you build or supply a service to others you’re going to be better and bigger. People will follow you and you’ll know why. The people around you are half slave and have free. Together, we’re going to free them from worry and bad teachings.
The free system of the mind, how to help others, changing their minds must surely change their actions and results.

By the people, we’ll build things and reduce the resistance to change. You’re going to develop trust before you build the machine. You’ll hear the sounds of the people power in stead of the clatter of the factory floor.
By definition you’re going to have the power, the ways and means to make friends and build life long partnerships and groups with mutual understanding and goals.

I’ll teach and you’ll learn the things you think you already know. It’s the cultivation you’ve been looking for to prosper and grow as a human being.
Every company will need you. Every employee will respect you and they will contribute to better days.

The more we have similar attitudes to other people, the more we are attracted to them.
You’re in the land of the living. We do not live in the land of the machine or the land of process controls, bells and whistles. Real people doing the right things at the right time.

You live in a non-linear world and we’re taught in a very linear way. We deal with people the only way we know and it’s mostly wrong. We’re taught to deal with other people by many people that do not understand. You were taught about people by other people. Your mother is not the expert on people and neither is your father. They can give insights but they cannot give you the truth. You like people that like you and we stay together within groups because it makes our life simple. You don’t like to be confused about friends, employers or the food you like to eat. You mix with people that agree on things, even if they’re wrong.

This is a pretty linear relationship. 'Birds of a feather flock together' much more than 'Opposites attract'. I like you because you’re a lot like me. I can love you because I like you. You can love me because you can like me first.
Your company is about relationships and better mouse-traps. You have the plans to build but you don’t have the relationships. You have to build long term readiness with your people. It only takes one person with the courage to change your company forever.
Most company’s are disconnected from their people. Their people come and go and offer little quality while their on the payroll. We wonder why, hire consultants, issue policy and procedures and reward and discipline our workforces.

What you must know is that people were not built for defeat. People were not built to make mouse-traps, computers, roads and more and more machines. Truck drivers were not born to drive the truck. They’re silent most of the time but they don’t want to drive all night to make service.
People are intelligent and free by nature and we have them boxed inside our contraptions we call our business. We work on software and build new buildings but we don’t work with the people.
Most supervisors and managers spend no time in learning about their most important asset. They learn how to close a sale, increase production, moving the numbers and earning profits. We’ll learn even more about those things but first things first.

The greater company’s are married to their people. They’re holding hands and growing their education, pride, understanding and the market knows who has the better people because they build better products and services.

Key Results
Knowledge Based and
People Based
Some key knowledge topics will start to bring in focus the great success you’re about to bring about.
Motivation: Basic systems that get us going (and keep us going).
Belief: What and how we believe.
Meaning: How we make sense of the world and infer meaning.
Emotion: Affect and what we feel as emotion.
Memory: Memorizing and recall.
Attention: How we pay attention to things around us.
Understanding ourselves: How we perceive ourselves.
Understanding others: How we make sense of other people.
Discomfort: How we handle discomfort.
Attribution: How we attribute cause.
Forecasting: How we forecast what will happen.
Decision-making: How we make decisions.
Decision errors: Mistakes when we make decisions.
Conforming: Conforming with social rules.
Being contrary: Acting differently or in non-conforming ways.
Helping others: Sometimes we are just very helpful.
Persuasion: Changing the minds of others.
Resistance: Resisting attempts to persuade.
Trust: Building trust of others.
Lies: Telling things that are not true.
Power: Being able to achieve our goals.
Friendship: Making friends with others.
Behavior: General behavioral responses.
Groups: How groups think and act.

Speaking is acting
sometimes we say something we don't believe.
we can change our own memories.

Closeness to, and liking of, the other person.
Intense longing and physiological arousal
The readiness to do anything
Trusting, without concerns for abandonment, feeling self-worth and being liked.

As relationships develop, they penetrate deeper and deeper into private and personal matters. This exposes vulnerabilities, so trust has to be developed along the way.
Orientation stage. Here, we play safe with small talk and simple, harmless clichés
Exploratory affective stage. We now start to reveal ourselves, expressing personal attitudes about moderate topics such as government and education. This may not be the whole truth as we are not yet comfortable to lay ourselves bare. We are still feeling our way forward. This is the stage of casual friendship, and many relationships do not go past this stage.

Affective stage. Now we start to talk about private and personal matters. We may use personal idioms. Criticism and arguments may arise. There may be intimate touching
Stable stage. The relationship now reaches a plateau in which personal things are shared and each can predict the emotional reactions of the other person.
In building a relationship, notice the stages and do not try to hurry things too much. For example do not get too intimate in your touching
Stage theories in general describe how we go through distinct stages as we develop. Thus, rather than gradually changing, we typically make sudden shifts to different plateaus of perception and behavior

We meet other people and feel an initial attraction, often based on physical beauty and similarity.
We become increasingly interdependent as we reveal more and more about our private selves. We get irritated by one another, but the more pleasant aspects may well keep the relationship going.

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