It’s the Golden Age of Pill-Pushers, Charlatans and Truck Driver Recruiters.
Fortune 100 Secrets for Human Resource Departments
The C.D.L. Driver Shortage, across the nation, down the street is affecting every trucking company in America? The driver shortage, the ailment that doctors cant help, money wont cure, newer trucks barely helps at all. There’s a cure for worms, fever and rheumatic pains but nothing on this driver shortage you’re dealing with today? For years now, men and women walking the street, looking for a truck driver, willing to try almost anything, any remedy that promised a driver was tried.
In such a climate of shortage, what’s the real deal here? The quack recruiters keep drawing a pay check, the newspapers getting plump with trucking dollars and driver schools are flourishing around every town.
The pioneer company’s didn’t have this problem. Families were producing truck drivers and the townspeople waved at every truck on the road. Across America a real man was a real truck driver. Long roads and big paychecks. The driver had the most money in his pocket and traveled with respect. The wagon train of freight moved fast day and night. Then something went wrong or right, we’re just starting to understand. Proprietors of motor freight company’s couldn’t find truck drivers. The men took different jobs and their sons wanted a computer. War dances started at every truck terminal in America, deregulation was taking hold and closing trucking company’s by the thousands.
The shows not over but we’re all buying a front row seat. A new concoction of Rewarding and Recognition, Recruiting and Retention systems are taking hold at a few good company’s. It was developed and designed for the intelligent trucking company. Crowds are starting to line up to get this information and its going fast. You cant buy it in a bottle, its not a concoction of herbs, roots or bark its information and its protected.
Become a fast learner and a good teacher and cross the threshold into a better trucking company through your people. Situational focus on cash flow, information technology, advertising, overall fleet management, customer concerns and opportunities leave you little time for the most important thing in your business, all your people. Your trucking company can only flourish and thrive with the help of all your people. People-nology brings about the help to make things a lot easier, more profitable and complaint.
People-nology gives knowledge or develops the abilities of your key people and educates them to improve your business of people. People-nology shows you how to develop and sustain a series of natural occurrences within your employees. The magic of People-nology makes apparently impossible things start to happen throughout your company. Within 90 Working days you will start to see a dramatic shifting of your people and performance. Your new reality will be under construction using the blueprints of People-nology. Starting from the Top Down and the Bottom Up at the same time, organizing People-nology skills within your management group, making sense out of your carrier today, taking clues from your staff, solving the puzzle of your company, identifying people opportunities, processing and applying People-nology techniques our responsibility through your management staff.
Enjoy this introduction to People-nology and discover how your company can prosper and grow into the future. Your companies past experiences, knowledge base of workers, cultural backgrounds, motivations, style of management, expectations are all worthy of better people and a better profitable future.
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Peoplenology must be used with extreme caution as it does in fact change people, affect their emotions and their present day self-image. Peoplenology should only be used to help and aspire human beings to become better within their personal and professional lives. Peoplenology can only be used by design and by direct authority to help them within emotions, education levels and have higher level experiences. This is an ADULT program and is restricted by Intellectual Copyright Protection Laws and cannot be distributed without prior written approval. People-nology brings control and influence, control and influence over other people and their actions through understanding their human core values.
Within 90 working days you can create a powerful and profitable culture. Basic human core elements combine creating trust, affection and love like never before. The deception goes away, Up, Down, Near and Far you’ll notice everything looking different, people talking different, working harder and smarter. It won’t be the illusion, it will be people changing for the better.
This powerful People-nology persuasiveness or the ability to influence people’s judgment and emotions also helps key executives, managers and front line supervisors determine or predict per-say what will happen or result in the future.
To persuade what is going to happen in the future or happenings to come is to influence events that have not yet happened. People will pay attention to you, want to hear you speaking, surround your ideas, their awareness moving up dramatically, readiness to respond to your desires, wishes and instructions.
Most management today is based or present conditions or indications based on past experiences. The old way of business management is not good enough to manage the blur of desires and needs of a modern trucking company.People working smarter, not harder, organize their minds so they’re efficient, looking for new strategies when you’re not around.
Imagine being able to form an image in the mind of your employees or some idea of something in the minds of everybody inside your business. Don’t take this knowledge out of context but, you can make people do things, think things, act a certain way, sway their moods and motives, visualize images beyond their conscious awareness. People-nology makes it simple, 1, 2, 3, easy. The highest majority of your employees try and see what you want them to do on any given day. They’re trying to see something that’s not there based on their emotions, education and experiences that surround their core values and beliefs.
This extreme lack of connection to your group causes your instructions to have little or no value or usefulness to the employee. You’ve noticed or have become aware of something or somebody not doing what they’re instructed over and over again. Your company will become what your people think about, feeling sad or angry because of high driver turnover rates, poor billing quality, higher maintenance costs, driver wages and property insurance costs rising will not solve the problems. Take your trucking company off automatic pilot and apply the dozens of People-nology principles for 90 days and see our clearinghouse of ideas come alive. We can get started with a simple 90 minute low cost learning session, so send us an email today for scheduling to .
The lack of a logical link or a mental linking association between people, things, or events causes people to leave your company, poor compliance, lower profits and other negatives. People-nology gives knowledge to clients by teaching them the secrets of the mind and application techniques to bring about improvement. People-nology will allow you to impose and apply procedure or skill knowledge used in a task that improves performance levels quickly. You’re going to learn that your people are inspired by emotion, mostly inspired or governed by emotion rather than reason or will-power.
People-nology gives you a special ability, procedure or skill that's needed to create a greater company than you have today. You will have the exceptional talent to create remarkable achievements within your business.
Imagine being able to make somebody sure or certain of something that's very important to you.
Imagine the power to persuade somebody to do something that's important to the organization.
Imagine the power to make somebody believe something, especially by giving good reasons for doing so where they can now persuade other people.
Imagine the easier business if you could urge somebody to perform a particular action using reasoning through their emotions, without pleading or coaxing the employee or supervisor.
Imagine less money being spent all across your business producing your service product creating larger and larger profit margins.
Imagine being able to attract good quality C.D.L. truck drivers,being able to retain truck drivers,find and keep quality supervision,employees smiling and ready to work,customers being satisfied by your people,It’s all inside PeopleNology
People-nology, people involvement in something that brings excitement, profit, or pleasure, subtle manipulative behavior, subtle clever actions and words used to influence a person or group by design, causing a heightened feeling: a strong feeling about somebody or something. Subtle = slight and not obvious, pleasantly delicate and understated, intelligent, experienced, or sensitive enough to make refined judgments and distinctions to build trust, affection and love of another person, cleverly indirect and ingenious.
Behavior = the way in which somebody behaves. psychology response: the way in which a person, organism, or group responds to a certain set of conditions.
Actions = doing something toward goal: the process of doing something in order to achieve a purpose, the way somebody or something moves or works, or the movement itself involvement in something that brings excitement, profit, or pleasure.
Influence = the power that somebody has to affect other people’s thinking or actions by means of argument, example, or force of personality,the power or authority that comes from wealth, social status, or position, somebody or something able to affect the course of events or somebody’s thinking or action.
People-nology will improve or add to the strength, worth, beauty, or other desirable qualities of your business. As you build the perception and attitude of the employee group or understanding based on what is observed or thought your recruiting and retention will improve.Understanding recruiting is enrolling somebody as a worker or member, or to take on people as workers or members is a product of the attraction, the power of attracting or the feeling of being attracted is all explained within the People-nology process programs. Understanding that retention or the holding in of something: the act of retaining something or the condition of being retained is very much an emotional decision made up of many things of importance that you’ll learn.The rewarding of an employee or providing somebody with personal satisfaction or great pleasure keeps the attraction and improves retention. What you’ll find during your instruction is that everything in the human mind is connected one way or the other.
The recognition of a great employee is that persons acknowledgment or validity of their own value as a person and employee. Recognition is something given or awarded as a token of acknowledgment or gratitude and is much more important than money.
People-nology properly applied will lower the cost of your business structure. Productive people are happy people and happy people become friends of other happy and productive people. The process program is a series of emotional and natural occurrences that produce change or development within your human side of business. You're going to create or bring somebody or something into existence by design. People-nology produces somebody who has a close personal relationship of mutual affection and trust with you and other people within the program. You will have friends driving trucks, inputting freight data, sweeping out trailers, fueling your tractors and answering the phone.These productive people will work smarter and harder, follow procedures and help you write new ones if required. Friends do many things for friends without cost or obligations and your staff loyalty will increase dramatically.
People-nology teaches you how people think and how they form thoughts and use their mind to consider ideas and make judgments. You will not be able to know what people are thinking but you will know how they think and consider everything you say or do within the work place.
People-nology allows you to use the Top Secrets of the Mind Learn how to make people do and think what you want to bring something to another persons mind, make them think something,to focus the attention on something through other people,to regard anything you want with care or concern,to regard your company with care or concern at all times,to have other people working the planning of your company,to have others attentive or considerate enough to do something.
The list of benefits is almost borderless for any person or company.People-nology will take you inside the minds of all people using exclusive university quality research from OnLee Research and others. You will also receive the Curiosity of People series that keeps you in touch with your most important asset, your people.
People-nology seems to be an instant success within the Motor Freight Transportation Segment after 29 years. The pure knowledge you will gain by learning People-nology will make your group better people, gain the ability to create trust, affection and love of other people. These powerful forces within human beings cause great companies. Great companies are not accidents of market forces, just by chance ideas, on and off again work ethics. Greater companies are the creation of minds working and hands working together. One of the greatest assets of any great progressive company is found within the female workforce. Women today are contributing more, helping grow profits and services with little help.
If you’re not delighted with your companies overall performance or simply just want to get a lot better than you’re in the right place. People-nology helps you aspire your entire workforce in a matter of days. All across the United States People-nology gives confidential services, one of a kind instructions, protected process programs workshops and seminars to progressive companies. These exclusive teachings are delivered right to your door in the comfort of your home or office. With high technology today delivery is made simple through PDF file transmission right to your email or you can receive your CD in your mail box. One of the most powerful forces today in the workforce is the development of the ladies within your business.
You’ll also receive the World Aspirations for Women, the unique and one of a kind publication received around the world by Wonderful Working Women.
The wisdom and bedrock philosophies are explored through art and poetry along with the responsibilities of being a working women within the workplace today.
To compete in today’s motor freight environment it’s going to take everybody, each and every person, male or female to create a greater company.
As for your free copy today of World Aspirations for Women People-nology is the improved process, the better educational product and the distance learning company for the trucking segment. You’ve already discovered the extreme cost of advertising for c.d.l. drivers, supervisors, hourly workers and being able to retain a quality workforce. You’ll be able to acquire knowledge of a subject or a new skill set offered exclusively through the education and experience of People-nology.You’ll be able to start using this new knowledge within a matter of days from starting the program. It’s profitable to learn, it’s an activity that provides enjoyment and amazement at the same time.
Within a short period of time you’ll be able to see the difference in your people, their sustained efforts, their appreciation of their assigned activities and their positive results within your own process control system.
PeopleNology works inside Fortune 100 America
Anonymous Business Success by Gregory Bodenhamer PeopleNologist
the truth about cdl truck drivers
PeopleNology Monthly
Gregory Bodenhamer’s PeopleNology Curiosity of People
PeopleNology is a protected Gregory Bodenhamer Intellectual Property - All Rights Reserved and Protected 2006 Mechanicsburg Pa 17055
Gregory Bodenhamer’s PeopleNology Curiosity of People - Medicine for Your Trucking Company
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